Associate Professor Jingyi Sun

Title: Associate Professor

Basic Information:

Born in September 1974, from Huxian County, Shaanxi Province. From September 1991 to July 1995, studied in the English Department of Xi'an International Studies University and received a bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature. From September 1999 to July 2002, studied in the English Department of Xi'an International Studies University and received a master's degree in English Linguistics. She is currently an associate professor at Shaanxi Normal University.

Research Direction:

Functional Grammar, Discourse Analysis, Applied Linguistics

Scientific Research Results:


"Full-time Master's Degree Graduate English Course", Science Press, 2010

" Autonomous English Learning Course for Full-time Master Degree Graduate Students", Science Press, 2010

"Graduate English Comprehensive Course", Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, 2004


Sun Jingyi (first author), "From Language to Events: Discourse Analysis and Narratology", Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) [CSSCI source journal], Issue 6, 2012.

Sun Jingyi (first author), "Chinese News Discourse: Status Quo and Trends", "Editor's Friend" [CSSCI source journal], Issue 11, 2012.

Sun Jingyi (first author), "Discourse Analysis: The Fate of Language Turn", "Foreign Languages Journal" [CSSCI source journal], Issue 2, 2012.

Sun Jingyi (first author), web reviews from the perspective of register", "Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications" (Social Science Edition), Issue 4, 2012.

Sun Jingyi (first author), "Intentionality: The Convergence of Language Studies", Journal of Guizhou Institute for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), Issue 4, 2012.

Sun Jingyi (first author), "A Study on the Narrative Perspective of the Movie "Graduate"", "Journal of Chongqing University of Technology" (Social Science Edition), Issue 8, 2012.

Sun Jingyi (second author), "Research on the Relationship between Conceptual Metaphor and Ideology: A Case Study of A Stream Discourse", Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing (Social Science Edition), Issue 2, 2011.

Sun Jingyi (second author), "New Internet Style from the Perspective of Memetic Theory", "Foreign Language Teaching", Issue 5, 2014.

Host and participate in the project

Project level


Project number

Participating role


Starting $ ending time

The Ministry of Education's Social Science Fund Project

Interdisciplinary Research on TV News Discourse


Second Participant



Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Foundation Project

Cognitive Research on Referential Terms


Second Participant



Ministry of Education Social Science Fund Project

National Anti-cult Discourse Research


First participant

In research


Shaanxi Federation of Social Sciences

Genre analysis of the evaluation language of graduate thesis in Shaanxi colleges and universities


Second Participant



Department of Social Sciences, Ministry of Education

An interdisciplinary comparative study on the discourse of natural disasters between China and the United States


Second Participant



Teaching situation(near three years)

Undergraduate: None

Postgraduate: Graduate English for Non-English Majors

Introduction to Systemic Functional Grammar

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