Prof. Dong Hongchuan from Sichuan International Studies University Delivered a Lecture in SNNU

On the afternoon of April 13th , Prof. Dong Hongchuan, doctoral supervisor and Vice President of Sichuan International Studies University, delivered a lecture entitled “ University and Classics---Rereading Babbitt, Elliot and .Leavis” in Classroom 4301 of No.4 Teaching Building. Prof. Wang Qilong, Dean of Foreign Language Department hosted the lecture.

Before the lecture, Prof. Wang Qilong gave a grand introduction to the lecturer and expressed his warmest welcome to him. During the lecture, Prof. Dong Hongchuan provided theoretical resources and practical references for the current promotion of the reading classics and all-round development of foreign language majors through the discussion the ideas of university education and literary classics of the three great literary critics Babbitt, Eliot and Leavis. Students are encouraged to read classics, communicate with great minds, cultivate sense of responsibility and morality, and to forge good observation and speculation.

In the Q & A session, several students asked Prof. Dong Hongchuan about the issues related to career planning and academic ability recognition, and were given practical suggestions and enlightening ideas. The series of lectures by famous scholars have provided a platform for teachers and students to exchange academic knowledge and learn about the research frontier. And all the participants have gained much.

(Original text by Ma Jing, translated by Gong Xueli and Yang Dongmin)

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